Jemez Mountains Pilot Fuels Inventory
Jemez Mountains Pilot Fuels Inventory
(1) Provide state of the art information to homeowners about the risks of uncontrolled wildland fires to their developed properties and structures in and around the Jemez Mountains.
(2) Provide a proof of concept on the use of advanced technologies for measuring and monitoring fuels structure on private property in relation to recent and ongoing fuels treatment efforts.
The Greater Eastern Jemez Wildland Urban Interface Corporation (GEJWUIC) was created as a regional effort to reduce fuels on private property in the Jemez Mountains.
GEJWUIC is a non-profit tax exempt organization that is in the process of helping landowners implement the Firewise program along the upper Jemez corridor. Firewise is sponsored by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group whose members are responsible for wildland fire management in the United States.
We are here to assist individual property owners by creating defensible space around residences and by thinning densely treed lots in the Northern Jemez Corridor (Areas 1, 2, and 3), La Cueva, Thompson Ridge, Seven Springs, Sierra Los Pinos, and Cochiti Mesa communities. Any property owner within the focus area, north of Soda Dam and South of the Sandoval/Los Alamos county line along State Highway 4 and East of the Fish Hatchery along State Highway 126 is encouraged to address the problems of excessive fuel loading on private property in the Greater Eastern Jemez Corridor and is a member of the Greater Jemez Fire Adapted Communities with an ongoing commitment to finding better solutions.